Friday, September 24, 2010

Autumn Crafts

In keeping with the whole wishing for Autumn (it's freaking 90 degrees outside!) thing I've got gonig, here are the artsy thingies I got and made for my Autumn-themed artist trading card swap.

The ATC I recieved is the card on the far left with the word "Fall" across it. The rest of the stuff is just extras that people sometimes send out of the goodness of their arts and craft-y little hearts! I ended up using some of the papers she sent to make my own ATC's.

Here're the ones I made. The one on the left, "Fall is Here" is cut paper spray painted gold then placed over a red painted background. The one on the right is painted pieces of paper cut into leaf shapes and glued onto a background to create a sort of green man mask. Not very impressive, but done the night before the deadline and mailed off the very next day. :D

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