Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yay for Sunshine!

I got a craving for cinnamon toast crunch cereal, so I made Sunshine bread instead, in honor of this awesome weather we've been getting lately. :)

Here's the bread.

Here's a link to the recipe: Sunlight Gyre Bread. The recipe is actually attached to a fanfic for one of my favorite books ever, Sunshine by Robin McKinley. It's a vampire story but the heroine, Rae, is the furthest thing from Bella ever. And she's a baker. :D

We also stopped by a garden center to pick up some plants . We ended up with lavendar, GREEK oregano, thyme, rosemary, and strawberries. Hopefully, we'll be making some awesome pesto and pasta later this summer.

Currently listening to

1 comment:

  1. See, THOSE are the flapper dresses that I've been searching for with no success! Why can't I have one!

    Your bread looks scrumptious and I will definitely add sunshine to my list :D I love Beauty and Deerskin (even though Deerskin is kinda ridiculous) so I'm sure I'll love that one too :)
